Windows Media Center is no longer integral part of Windows now. With the announcement of Windows 8 SKUs, Microsoft has also explained its plan to include Windows Media Center in Windows 8. Now Media Center will be a “media pack” add-on to Windows 8 Pro edition only.
The Windows blog states:
Windows Media Center will be available as an economical “media pack” add-on to Windows 8 Pro.
Not surprisingly, it’s a good idea. Windows Media Center is not the first choice as media player and only 6% of Windows 7 users launch ever globally.

And it’s true… I just run Media Center to take screenshot only :P
The downloadable media pack would be delivered via Windows App Store for few bucks to tech enthusiasts and business/technical professionals. It sounds crazy as Windows Team blog stats that Windows 8 Pro is for enthusiasts and in the business environment and in my opinion Media Center for Home users makes much more sense than limiting it to geeks/professionals and businesses.
On the whole, Media Center is no longer integral part of Windows and the separation could be beginning of the end of Media Center.
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